Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week #14: Chilln' with mommy

Hazel and I have been chilln' and just enjoying every last minute we get to spend together before I have to go back to work.
 I only have one more week off with Little Miss Hazel Mae until I have to go back to work.  I am trying to enjoy every last minute of it while not counting down the days.  I have had an incredible time watching Hazel grow.  I know Hazel will be in great hands when I go back to work.  We have been so blessed to have family taking care of Hazel until September!!
  1. Mike has taken 3 weeks off to have some "Daddy Daughter" bonding time.  Mike is really looking forward to this time and I know Hazel will love it to. 
  2. Papa "GG" is taking off work and watching Hazel for 10 days. 
  3. Hazel's Great Aunt Cindy is taking off a week from work to see Miss Hazel.
  4. Nana will be spending the entire summer caring for Hazel.
It has been so AWESOME to have family volunteer to watch Hazel so she will not have to go to daycare until she is 8 months old. We are truly amazed by the generous gift our family has given us.   Even though going back to work is going to be very difficult having loving family to care for her is defiantly going to make it easier as I know she will be in loving hands.  Family is so wonderful and we are so so so so thankful!!  I hope to return this gift to our children some day.

Favorite things this week:
  • Ok we love little Hazel beautiful lips but this week she has really been using them.  I didn't realize a 3 month old could  pout but Hazel can pout her lip with the best of them.  The pout is somewhat of a forewarning. We always wonder what is going on in her little brain.... " I don't think this so you better change it up or I will scream."
  • Pulled out her nuk, looked at it, and put it back in Wednesday 4/21/10.
  • Hazel's new game "NUK is OUT" .  I will spit out my nuk, yell, and watch my peeps come running to put it back in. Hazel likes to play this when we are not giving her 100% of our attention - like when she is in the swing or bouncy chair and we are in the kitchen.
  • BYOB Yoga rocks!  Since our last class I have been able to pull Hazel up to a seated position with her arms and her head comes with!!! We are working on staying awake through the entire class as little Hazy gets tired and likes to sleep half way through.
  • Chilln' in the bumbo - getting such a strong neck

We also went to the doc this week to get the little rash on Hazel checked out.  Great news it was only dry skin so we have switched lotions and things have gotten better.  I think Hazel got her sensitive skin from me.  While at the doc I also asked if it was ok that we still swaddled Hazel to sleep for her naps and bedtime.  The doc recommended we stop swaddling for developmental reasons.  I was like WHAT how in the world are we going to get her to sleep through the night?  Before stopping the swaddle I did some more research. I talked to friends, the yoga instructor, and read numerous articles online. But it was still interesting at the doc had recommended we stop.  We have  unswaddled her arms during her naps but she gets swaddled at night for now. Needless to say we will be continuing to swaddle for now as it has so many wonderful benefits for her at this stage.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week #13: Hazel's 3 Month Birthday

 Happy 3 Month Birthday Hazel

I can't believe Hazel is already 3 months old and I only have 2 weeks left to spend at home with her until I go back to work.

3 Month Stats:
Weight: 14lbs 2oz
Height: 24 3/4 inches

Favorite things this week:
  • Pulling off the little bee from her bouncy seat at Nana & Papa's.  This week she was able to grab for the little toy bee and pull it right off it's holder.   You could totally see the determination on her face - her mouth open, drool coming out while her feet were totally just kicking away!
  • BYOB yoga at Blooma's:  Hazel and I have started to take Yoga at Blooma's.  Hazel really seems to like it.  In fact, she had such a good workout in the first part of class she feel asleep during the last half with help of the exercise ball.
  • Being Swaddled for her naps and after 5pm.  We found that Hazel sleeps longer when she is swaddled while taking naps during the day.  We also found out that if she gets fussy after 5pm and we swaddle her up she is  pretty content. So I guess you can say we swaddle her to keep her in "the zone."   I tell you it sure beats swinging her in the car seat!!
  • Night out with college friends!  Yes, I did it! I made it to our monthly college friend dinner and I left Hazel in good hands (with her Daddy & Nana & Papa).  Even though I knew she was in great hands I was still nervous about it.  After all, in the evenings Hazel still HATES the bottle and often times just likes to snuggle up and be carried by me (ok many I have created this dependency because I just can't seem to put her down and really know in my heart she would be just fine not in my arms.  Never the less this is easier said then done.)  I had a great time with my friends and found out 2 other college friends are prego- Kari with her 4th and Katie with her 1st!!!  I am so excited to see more babies added to the clan and am so very happy for these mamas.
"Gosh mommy these nails are in serious need of a manicure.  How could you let them get so long?"

"Just doing my Elmer Fudd impersonation"

    Wednesday, April 14, 2010

    Week #12 - Visting the Zoo

    This week Hazel and ventured to the zoo to see the Barnyard baby with my dear friend Lisa and her youngest of three Tommy.  I have to say the trip was really fun and I guess I found out where all the SAHM hang out - the zoo was packed!  All the little baby animals were so sweet.  Seeing these animals totally brought back memories of when I was little. I so wanted a pot belly pig and a pygmy goat after we got back from vacationing at a Dude Ranch in Colorado.  Unfortunately, our home doesn't have zoning for these type of animals.  Besides, Mike thinks Cayman would be jealous!

    Tommy trying to share his juice box, what a little gentleman!

    Favorite Things this Week:
    • "Hanging" out with Nana  
    • Visiting with mommy's wonderful undergrad roommates Kim & Kim
    • Chewing on her fists - yes, she is really trying to fit her entire fist in her little mouth!
    • Watching everyone eat really people food

    Wednesday, April 7, 2010

    Week #11: Wonderful Easter

    It was so wonderful having Hazel to celebrate Easter with us this year!  Hazel's little dress was actually part of an outfit I wore when I was little and we thought it would be special for her to wear it as a little dress for her first Easter. For Easter we headed to church and then over to Nana & Papa's for a fabulous brunch with multiple yummy dishes.  Surprising to us the Easter bunny actually stopped at two places for Hazel. One at our home and then one at Nana & Papa's - that silly rabbit!!! 
    Nana & Papa with their little bunny.

    Papa &  Hazel doing their best impressions of the Easter Bunny!
    Hazel's 1st Easter Basket- Nana lined the basket with fabric from Hazel's nursery so as Hazel grows big we can always remember what fabrics were once used in her nursery.

    Favorite things this Week:
    • 1st time Hazel rolled from her tummy to her back (April 1st).  She was doing her tummy time and was getting a bit frustrated. The next thing I knew she pushed herself right over.  We haven't seen her do this again but are just waiting for more rolls!
    • Hazel had a great time at little Miss Stella's 1st birthday party!  It is really fun to watch your dear friends become parents, watch their children grow and really see who their little ones become.
    Happy 1st Birthday sweet little Stella!

    Daddy liked wearing Hazel's nuk as a accessory at Stella's Party.

    WOW I just thought I saw a rabbit!!!!!!