Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fabulous First Father's Day

Every Daddy needs a tee-shirt stating the obvious..
Hazel loved helping her daddy read his card & open his gift.
Hazel loved playing in her pool & falling asleep on her daddy when she got out.
 For the special day daddy got to feed Hazel rice cereal for the first time and she love it! 
And of course Papa got a tee-shirt for Father's Day as well.  
 After all, we have come full circle because it was Father's Day last year when we told Nana & Papa the news we were going to have an addition to our family - WOW what a difference a year makes!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Week #22 (aka 5Months): Nana's Turn

 Nana is officially on summer vacation and fully time with Hazel.  Nana has been waiting so long for this opportunity and it is really finally here!! Let me tell you, Hazel & Nana were sure busy this week.... a trip to the zoo, caribou with friends, multiple walks, fun in the pool, shopping, and not to mention visiting the puppet wagon.  
They had a wonderful time time together.
This was also Hazel's 5 month birthday!  We can't believe she is already 5 months old. She is growing so big and strong. She loves to stand (with help), sit in her height chair,blow bubbles, nuzzle into your neck, pull your necklaces, hair, earnings, and just about anything she can get her hands on.  She also still loves chewing on her toes.  She hasn't been sleeping through the night since about a week before I went back to work so we are hoping she will sleep through the night again soon.  But honestly I haven't really minded waking up with her - I just considered it more time I got to spend with her.  However, I think sleeping 8 hours straight would be a nice little treat.

Hazel's 5 Month Stats:
Weight:  16.6 lbs
Height:  26 inches


Friday, June 18, 2010

Great Grandma Shirley's 75th Birthday!!

Happy 75th Birthday Great Grandma Shirley!!! 
The Celebration Crew
Great Grandpa Walt and his $1 tradition

4 Generations

Behind the scene footage of what my mommy does to get me ready... FOR THE LOVE

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Week #21: Great Aunt Cindy's Turn to Tango

 Thanks Great Aunt Cindy I had a blast with you last week! 

My Aunt Cindy took a weeks vacation from work to spend time with Hazel.  This would be the first person not directly in our immediate family that would get to spend the full day with Hazel.  Hazel and Cindy had a great time together.  They continued their  double daily walks (that Papa started ) often times venturing  out to Kowalski's or Starbucks.

(Hazel's) Favorite Things this Week:
  •  First week getting to sit in the high chair
  • Chewing on her toes
  • Getting a Jane Fonda workout in her Rainforest bouncer
  • Really watching everyone eat &drink - almost to the point you feel guilty not feeding her real food.
  • Standing up next to furniture by herself (but with you right there of course)
  • Rolling over both ways like nobody's business 

Seriously Hazel is just so fun to dress up I can't help myself
  Our Top Banana

Monday, June 7, 2010

Week #20: Papa is a Pro

 Papa showing Hazel Daddy's power tools

Well this is Papa's last week of watching little Hazel all day - at least for now.   Papa is totally a babysitting pro. He even has mastered sporting the Baby Bjorn.  He know exactly what Hazel wants when she wants it.  Did I say how adorable it is to be able to watch him with her?  Every morning they would follow me outside,  Hazel  would wave goodbye and blow kisses,with Papa's help of course. I hear she did that same for her Daddy's send off to work as well. Papa and Hazel had a wonderful time together and I totally think Papa will have withdrawal so I bet you he will just happen to stop by next week just to check up on Hazy. You can see the cute bond they have formed with each other.  Hazel gets super excited to see her Papa. She gets this huge grin on her face when he walks in the room and she snuggles right in when he gives her kisses.

It was so neat to have my Dad watch Hazel and something Mike and I will never forgot.  We know that for all the love, support, and constant encouragement given from my Dad we will never be able to fully repay him.  So instead we promise to try to pass his generosity along, and keep up this traditional so many, many days down the road when Hazel has children of her own Mike and I will provide daycare for our grand babies!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Memorial Weekend we headed up north to soak up the sun and enjoy nature!  We rented this adorable log cabin with my parents.  My grandparents were able to stop by for lunch and to play some cards.  Gosh it was so nice to sleep in, relax and not have to worry about a thing.  We were able to take a walk, canoe,  talk, and just be.  
Ahhh what a great weekend.

Hazel Striking a pose....

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week #19: MY PAPA ROCKS!!

Ok so before Hazel was born we really didn’t want to have to put her in daycare until she was older.  My mom was going to be watching her for the summer but we had a gap in coverage.  Without even asking my Dad jumped at the chance to spend time with Hazel and volunteered.  He took two weeks off of work to chill with Little Ms. Hazel.   

A few thoughts raced through my brain about my Dad doing daycare….
On one hand,  Dad has never spend so much time alone with a baby in his entire life
On  the other, I  thought they would be PERFECT for each other…
  • Neither one can sit still for too long 
  • Dad loves to discuss business, investments, and the economy with anyone who will listen  (Hazel enjoys listening) 
  • Hazel loves to be entertained constantly and my Dad loves to entertain
 So  all in all I figured they would be two peas in a pod.  Dad gets to talk all day about the Market (or anything else he needs to voice his opinion on) and Hazel  just  listens & enjoys his entertainment.  After all, if she can’t keep up with his ADHD she can just go to sleep and isn’t considered a party pooper . 
Hazel and her Papa had a wonderful, activity filled  1st week together.  They took two 55 minute walks each day helping Papa avoid going to the Club at night. On their walks they got landscaping ideas, stopped by a garage sale (of course they brought home a purchase) and made a stop at our investment managers office to do introductions.  Papa is sure proud of his granddaughter.  I am so grateful to have such a wonderful Dad and Papa for my daughter.  He is so adorable with her I just love watching them interact.
Favorite Thing This Week: 
  • Giggling at her crazy Papa’s faces 
  • Pulling on Papa’s glasses & grabbing his scratchy beard 
  • Bouncing outside on the front porch
 Over the weekend Hazel and I also had a play date with friends Rebecca (Nathan & Eva) & Gretchen (Jackson).  It was so fun to get the kidos together they are so much fun to just watch