Monday, September 27, 2010

Week #35: Visiting Baby Isabella Marie

Josh, Hazel, &  Sweet Baby Isabella Marie

Josh & Hazel

Getting a kick out of Josh

This week we visited beautiful baby Isabella Marie Bergman.   Holding her you forget just how little new born babies adorable and oh so sweet!  Big brother Matt, Josh, and Tommy are just loving their new little sister. Lisa and Joe congrats on your beautiful family and the addition of "pink." 
I  also think Hazel might just have a little crush on Josh...he was so sweet to her. 

Favorite Things This Week:
  • Hazel is crawling like crazy.  She loves to just go go go.  She is still crawling with the little gimp and really prefers to hold hands and walk verse crawling on all fours but I guess you can't blame her.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Week#34: Busy little bee...

Loving riding on Daddy's shoulders at the Winery!
I just want to walk already
These Puma's are yummy!

Grandparent Lunch at daycare.. I was the only infant with a Papa during lunch time!
Aunt Chris & Uncle Pete's 1st Anniversary,
Great Grandma & Great Grandpa Boarman came to celebrate!     
If you can't tell Cayman is just thrilled about Hazel

All this week's adventures really wore me out!!!!!

Week #33: First full week (actually 4 days) of daycare

Yep, I have started to crawl!

 I can't believe it but I survived.  Hazel started daycare this week and it was really hard for me to let her go and spend the day with strangers.  I know she will be loved on in a wonderful Christan environment but still I had second thoughts if we were really doing the right thing.   Mike does the drop off which helps so much. I am totally not at the point where I can drop her off but maybe some day. For now though I enjoy racing home and picking her up.  It is crazy how much you miss your little one when you are away from them.  The teachers at daycare have been awesome and don't even mind that I call at least 2 times a day to check in!  Hazel did one of her first art projects and seems to really like the other kids.
My first art project..finger painting
Just playing

On Friday Nana & Papa took Hazel to the zoo.  It was great to have Hazel ease into daycare and I think it has really help her get adjusted (or maybe it just has really helped me) either way it has been great for our family.

With the start of daycare Hazel also got her first cold. Poor little thing had a gunky eye, runny nose, and a horse/raspy voice.  Despite her cold she was in great spirits!

Favorite Things This Week:
  • Patty Cake - Hazel started to clap her hands!
  • On Sunday night, September 5th she started to crawl - her right leg is stretched kind of out while she pushes her self along with her right foot, her left knee she uses to crawl.  It is really cute!
  • She pulls herself up on her music table by herself and can also pull herself up to standing when grabbing onto Mommy's jeans!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Week #32: Thank you Nana!

 This was my last week with Nana as she is heading back to work and I am going to meet new friends at daycare soon.  I know Mommy and Nana are really sad and it is going to be a tough adjustment for us all! This week Nana helped me get acquainted to my new daycare friends for two half days. I did pretty good but was excited to see Nana at noon when she picked me up.  I know I will have some great new friends and learn lots of new things.  I know my teachers are excited to help me explore and develop with the Christian based curriculum.

Dear Nanny,

I just wanted to thank you so much for spending your summer with me. We had tons of fun and you taught me so much.  Your kind, caring, and loving spirit radiates everywhere you go and definitely has made a lasting impression. Your generous and humble nature are so admired. i am so very blessed to have a Nana like you!  I love you so much and thanks again for the amazing summer and giving me such a great start to life.

Love Your Little Miss Hazel Mae

Favorite Things This Week:
  • 1st real food - tried Nana's homemade mashed potatoes. They must have been really yummy because a HUGE smile light up Hazel's face followed by multiple kicks!
  • So very close to crawling, moving one hand and then the other followed but shaking forward slightly. It almost looked like she was doing 'Jacob's Ladder" at Valley Fair and trying to ring the bell at the top.
  • Dropping balls down Mr. Giraffe and listening to the fun sound!  

**This was a tough week for us.  The last week with my Nana and my Papa was in the ER. This week my Papa was in the ER three time due to some weird allergic reaction that is currently unknown. Papa was so swollen and full of hives I barely recognized him. He is doing much better know but please keep him in your prayers.  Over the next month the doctors are going to try to figure out what Papa is so allergic too!